Just when I thought we couldn't get any busier! Goodness knows what it will be like when the boys are a bit bigger.
Seb is busy six days a week - and yes on the seventh day we let him rest! Two days of Tennis, two of Swimming, then there is Football training in the middle and a Footy game on a Saturday! We certainly like the fact that he is pretty much exhausted at the end of each day. And he even managed to come away with a Runners Up trophy from his first ever Tennis tournament! 
Manuel has taken on the role of Football Coach. Although, he wasn't too happy about being given the Australian team. But he managed to get passed it and now dons the good old Green and Gold to run on the pitch with his 11 five and six year old players. I cheer from the sidelines, although there is something a little strange about yelling "GO AUSTRALIA" at a pitch of tiny boys running all over the place. In fact during their first game I couldn't stop laughing!
Seb managed to lose his first tooth after it being wobbly for what felt like months and just two days ago Zach's first one has arrived. Fingers crossed the teething process won't be too bad.
Zach is doing well, hard to believe he is six months old already. We have had him in the pool a few times and he absolutely loves it! Think we have a little water baby on our hands.
The first week of September also bought with it Fathers Day. The boys and I took Manuel out for Brunch with friends then we all finished the day with a game of ten pin bowling! Entertaining just wouldn't quite cover it!
This weekend its off to the ANZA Ball. Still can't get use to the popularity of Balls here, but hey its another excuse to dress up and go out for the night. Not that we have needed any excuses lately, Manuel and I have been going in all directions.
Now we are counting down the days til the end of term. The end of next week will be the start of Idul Fitri and for us that mean off to the beach! So looking forward to it, just hope the rainy season holds off a bit longer.