The end of the football season was actually in November but its taken me a while to find the time to update.
Seb and Manuel both enjoyed the U7's Football League. Seb scored his first goal ever and quickly followed it up with a second and third. He now has a trademark celebratory run around the pitch pretending to be an aeroplane! Certainly something to see.
Australia (Seb's team) finished top of the table at the end of the season with no loses recorded!
Go Aussie Go!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Friday, 24 October 2008
Palabuhan Ratu

Term Three holidays coincided with Idul Fitri so we joined the millions (Literally) of other Jakarta residents and escaped the city. After hearing so much about Ocean Queen at Palabuhan Ratu we decided to check it out ourselves, so that was our chosen destination.
The journey down was an adventure in itself with Zachary never being in the car for three plus hours before, the hairy mountain roads and one stop thanks to Sebastian's car sickness. (Something that has never happened before!)
Manuel took a day or two to unwind but the boys and I headed straight to the pool. We spent the next 7 days, swimming, setting off fireworks, swimming, playing cricket, swimming, surfing, swimming, walking along the beach, swimming, playing football, swimming, getting massages, swimming, relaxing and swimming!
Sebastian was a little hesitant at the start of the week about going into the surf. He may be a little fish in a swimming pool but the ocean sure is a little scarier! But after a little encouragement his confidence grew and by the end of the week he was paddling out on his own and riding the waves back in! And as soon as he hit the sand, he was up and out there again.
Zachary experienced the beach for the first time. He loved the sand but the waves were a little daunting, so we stuck mainly to the pool. He floated around for ages watching all the other kids, then when he had had enough of that it was play time under the palm tree before nap time.
Manuel enjoyed a chance to relax, in fact he couldn't have done any work even if he had wanted to as the whole of Indonesia was on holiday. So he was able to teach Seb how to boogie board, play football and cricket with all the kids and invested god knows how many hours in a game of Risk with friends in the bungalow next door.
Truly a family vacation!
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Absolute Madness!
Just when I thought we couldn't get any busier! Goodness knows what it will be like when the boys are a bit bigger.
Seb is busy six days a week - and yes on the seventh day we let him rest! Two days of Tennis, two of Swimming, then there is Football training in the middle and a Footy game on a Saturday! We certainly like the fact that he is pretty much exhausted at the end of each day. And he even managed to come away with a Runners Up trophy from his first ever Tennis tournament! 
Manuel has taken on the role of Football Coach. Although, he wasn't too happy about being given the Australian team. But he managed to get passed it and now dons the good old Green and Gold to run on the pitch with his 11 five and six year old players. I cheer from the sidelines, although there is something a little strange about yelling "GO AUSTRALIA" at a pitch of tiny boys running all over the place. In fact during their first game I couldn't stop laughing!
Seb managed to lose his first tooth after it being wobbly for what felt like months and just two days ago Zach's first one has arrived. Fingers crossed the teething process won't be too bad.
Zach is doing well, hard to believe he is six months old already. We have had him in the pool a few times and he absolutely loves it! Think we have a little water baby on our hands.
The first week of September also bought with it Fathers Day. The boys and I took Manuel out for Brunch with friends then we all finished the day with a game of ten pin bowling! Entertaining just wouldn't quite cover it!
This weekend its off to the ANZA Ball. Still can't get use to the popularity of Balls here, but hey its another excuse to dress up and go out for the night. Not that we have needed any excuses lately, Manuel and I have been going in all directions.
Now we are counting down the days til the end of term. The end of next week will be the start of Idul Fitri and for us that mean off to the beach! So looking forward to it, just hope the rainy season holds off a bit longer.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Mid Year Holiday
Bali was our choice for a mid year holiday. Basically for two reasons, firstly it is only an hour and a half from Jakarta - perfect for Zach's first experience of air travel. And secondly, it was an ideal location to meet Jane who was flying in from Sydney.
After a delayed departure from Jakarta we finally made it to Bali a little after midnight. Zach made it through his first flight quite well, he was only a little upset on the way down. And of course Seb, our little frequent flyer - he slept through pretty much the whole thing.
It was fantastic to see Jane, who had arrived a couple of hours earlier, and after getting through customs only ended up having to wait 40 minutes or so. We all bundled into the hotel four wheel drive (a lift we were not expecting because airport transfers had not been mentioned in booking, but no one turns down a lift like that at 1am, with approximately six bags and two small children!).
We stayed at Casa Indigo in Seminyak, a newish boutique hotel with a strange concept of small blue spiky plastic balls in each room!! After checking out our adjoining rooms we were pretty pleased (never to sure when you book over the internet). Although, the sliding, GLASS bathroom door was a little puzzling!
We had a couple days of down time thanks to our late night arrival and poor Jane's busy schedule prior to arriving. Although, on the first morning we did head in search of the beach. Not knowing quite where we were thanks to the late arrival, we grabbed a map and headed off. The beach was a little further than we thought but as soon as Seb saw the water his little legs seemed revitalised and off he went. The paddling soon turned into a drenching thanks to a particularly large and unexpected wave. It caught Seb completely unaware and left the rest of us in fits of laughter after seeing the surprised look on his face.
Before we knew it the days were passing too quickly. We had trips to Nusa Dua and Kuta beaches as well as plenty of shopping trips (Seminyak is definitely the best and most hassle free). We joined a few friends at Waterbom, a fantastic water park. Jane and I raced on the Race Track slide only to be left with sore shoulder blades, Seb and I jumped on the tubes and went flying down a few other slides and I also managed to freak myself out but spinning around and going down an enclosed slide backwards! I am definitely Queen of the whimps! Might just stick to the Lazy River next time.
I was feeling particularly brave on one day so we hired a car - yes I drove in Indonesia! We headed towards Ubud, and with a bit of luck managed to find it. Definitely the place to go for Art, as long as you stay away from the major galleries and stick to the small shops on the side streets.
Jane and I had a beautiful dinner at La Luciano in Seminyak overlooking the beach and watching the sunset colours and the stars come out, (yes stars! We don't see many of those in Jakarta!). The food was excellent (thanks to an Aussie chef) and the cocktails were fantastic.
Unfortunately the time came when we had to say good bye and after Jane cuddled Zachary for one last time we headed back to Jakarta and poor Manuel who had been working while we were away.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
The Holidays have arrived!!!!!
I went back to work for three weeks and now its holidays! Definitely a good way to ease myself back into the workforce.
Thankfully Zach decided to start sleeping (most of the time anyway) through the night, the week before I started work. And he has been absolutely fine, thanks mainly to the constant cuddles he gets from Iroh.
With the holidays has come loads of fun. We had Max come and stay for a few days and the Ryan children down for lunch and a play.
The count down has also begun for our trip to Bali. In just one week we will be heading for the airport. We can't wait to see Janey again and enjoy the 'Island of the Gods'. Unfortunately we will be leaving Manuel behind to work. Although fingers crossed he might still make it for the second weekend.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Sporting Sebastian!
Since turning five a lot of sporting opportunities have become available to Seb. He has been keen to try everything we have suggested and has had a fantastic time experiencing new sports and meeting children from other international schools.
For the past couple of months he has been going to Rugby clinic on a Saturday afternoon. He runs around like a madman, thoroughly enjoys himself and is exhausted and ready for bed by the time we get home. (Every mother's dream!) Last Saturday was the final clinic for season. The Rugby kids provided a little entertainment in the form of modified games in a break in the mens international tournament.

Seb was very excited and loved his new rugby shirt - although definitely a tad on the big side!
Sebastian has also been going to Athletics. One of the international schools has organised a short season designed to introduce the kids to events and skills of track and field. So on Friday afternoons when Seb use to be dragging his heels, he is now jumping all over the place dying to get to athletics. And again by the time we get home its dinner and bed, no arguments, just an exhausted five year old.

Flying down the track, arms pumping, legs flying! Go Seb!
For the past couple of months he has been going to Rugby clinic on a Saturday afternoon. He runs around like a madman, thoroughly enjoys himself and is exhausted and ready for bed by the time we get home. (Every mother's dream!) Last Saturday was the final clinic for season. The Rugby kids provided a little entertainment in the form of modified games in a break in the mens international tournament.

Seb was very excited and loved his new rugby shirt - although definitely a tad on the big side!
Sebastian has also been going to Athletics. One of the international schools has organised a short season designed to introduce the kids to events and skills of track and field. So on Friday afternoons when Seb use to be dragging his heels, he is now jumping all over the place dying to get to athletics. And again by the time we get home its dinner and bed, no arguments, just an exhausted five year old.

Flying down the track, arms pumping, legs flying! Go Seb!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Grandma's Visit!
Originally the plan was for Mum to be here when Zach arrived but it was not to be and he was there to meet her at the airport.
Sebastian, as always, was filling with a thousand things to say and very proudly showed off his little brother.
As Mum was able to stay for a month this time she was able to see Sebastian at all his sporting events, including a rather wet afternoon at the rugby!
We made it out to the Bogor Botanical Gardens but it is such a huge place we only managed to see maybe half of it.
Of course we also managed some pampering time where I introduced Mum to the wonderfully relaxing creambath! She was heard to say, "I could get use to this".
Unfortunately, after a month of cuddles, laughs and swimming lessons we had to say good bye.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Zachary Arrives!
Zachary Christopher Verdaguer was very keen to enter the world, so much so he arrived 3 weeks early, Friday 7th March!
Manuel was still in Kalimantan, in the middle of the jungle when my water broke. I was sitting up in bed reading my book when it all began. Thankfully my friend Crystal was ready to take on the role of Birthing Partner, so at 2am Crys and her husband Dan made the mad dash to pick me up and take me to the hospital.
Everything went well and little Zach joined us at 8am. It was certainly a very vocal entry as the boy was a bit cold, which was not surprising considering his early arrival and rather small size of 2.78kgs (6lb 1oz). However, after a short time in the incubator he was a lot quieter and warmer.
Sebastian was very surprised to hear his little brother had appeared so early but was overjoyed and a little overwhelmed to meet him.
Manuel had a fantastic excuse to come home early, but unfortunately due to his location and the fact Zachary was born on an Indonesian holiday, he was not able to make it back to Jakarta until Friday night.
By Saturday night Zachary and I were home, both doing very well after all the excitement.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Returning to Jakarta

Sebastian's first term at primary school has flown by. After the initially couple of weeks, which saw poor Seb exhausted from his full days and need to concentrate in class, we have settled into an easy routine. I have been working three mornings a week, running the ESL program and covering any classes when the other teachers are absent. But this also gives me one or two days a week to get and few things done. I have also started going to a social welfare playgroup for children from a local orphanage. It has been an amazing experience but also a sad one as well.

Now Sebastian has officially reached 'big boy', school kid status he has also started a few new activities. On Mondays he heads off to tennis lessons, Tuesday its swimming and piano, then Bahasa lessons on Thursdays. But with a weekend to fill up he has also begun Aikido and even Rugby! He absolutely loves it! And of course the more energy used up, the less he comes home with! We have to keep this boy busy!
Manuel has settled in well to his new job and has started to develop some of his ideas. The initial transition between chef jackets and suits took a little adjusting but he is happy with his move and looking forward to all the new projects to come. The first of which is a trip to the jungle! He will visit three of the company's operations at mining sites on the island of Kalimantan. He should be gone about 3 and a half weeks, but back in time for the new addition to the Verdaguer clan!
Monday, 21 January 2008
Back in Jakarta!

Sebastian and I arrived back in Jakarta last Thursday and were immediately hit by the humidity. It is amazing how quickly you forget.
I also very quickly became aware of a few other little things too. One, I am at least a head taller than the average Indonesian person, (I felt like a giant walking through the airport!). Two, the greenness compared to the drought ravaged landscape of Australia. And lastly, and I am sure this will surprise many, the city was not as polluted as I remembered. This is apparently due to unusual winds that Jakarta has experienced over the past few weeks. It is seriously amazing the difference it makes.
After a relaxing weekend at home it was time for Sebastian to head off to his first day of primary school. Although, he didn't seem to think it was a big deal. He was very proud of his 'big boy' status and even humoured his mother enough to allow a few photos to be taken! The first day went extremely well but the longer hours certainly took their toll - he was exhausted!
Saturday, 19 January 2008
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