Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Returning to Jakarta

Sebastian's first term at primary school has flown by. After the initially couple of weeks, which saw poor Seb exhausted from his full days and need to concentrate in class, we have settled into an easy routine. I have been working three mornings a week, running the ESL program and covering any classes when the other teachers are absent. But this also gives me one or two days a week to get and few things done. I have also started going to a social welfare playgroup for children from a local orphanage. It has been an amazing experience but also a sad one as well.

Now Sebastian has officially reached 'big boy', school kid status he has also started a few new activities. On Mondays he heads off to tennis lessons, Tuesday its swimming and piano, then Bahasa lessons on Thursdays. But with a weekend to fill up he has also begun Aikido and even Rugby! He absolutely loves it! And of course the more energy used up, the less he comes home with! We have to keep this boy busy!

Manuel has settled in well to his new job and has started to develop some of his ideas. The initial transition between chef jackets and suits took a little adjusting but he is happy with his move and looking forward to all the new projects to come. The first of which is a trip to the jungle! He will visit three of the company's operations at mining sites on the island of Kalimantan. He should be gone about 3 and a half weeks, but back in time for the new addition to the Verdaguer clan!

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